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Mrs. Shuttleworth's Excellent Emporium

Average Rating4.14
(based on 50 reviews)

Outstanding teaching and learning resources from a Lead Teacher in English specialising in: * Transactional Writing, * Creative Prose, * Using creative modalities for Reading, * Most Able, * Well Being through English, * Whole School Advocacy Days for Poetry, Reading, Writing, Literacy and WEllbeing * Numeracy in English




Outstanding teaching and learning resources from a Lead Teacher in English specialising in: * Transactional Writing, * Creative Prose, * Using creative modalities for Reading, * Most Able, * Well Being through English, * Whole School Advocacy Days for Poetry, Reading, Writing, Literacy and WEllbeing * Numeracy in English
Emotions & Mental Health KS2 Wellbeing SMSC PHSE

Emotions & Mental Health KS2 Wellbeing SMSC PHSE

Outcomes of this learning: What is Mental Health? Renew/reactivate knowledge Recognising Five Key Emotions Importance of Maintaining OK-ness How to Regulate Emotions for Mental Wellness What range of help can be sought when things don’t feel good? KS2 students understand better how to recognise and manage emotions for good mental health. Help children learn the role of emotion regulation in maintaining optimum mental health for the individual PPT presentation of 40 slides for whole class teaching and learning Offers of scaffolding and challenge to begin differentiation for your learners PPT has relevant worksheet embedded ready for printing Three activities to help children regulate their emotions and stress levels created from my therapy training. Teacher guidance slides (written concisely and succinctly - no need to study!) Cross curricular elements offered as an option SMSC elements offered as an option Divided into short sequences of learning approx 20 - 30 minutes each Includes 3 do anywhere techniques to bring about relaxation or mood lift Designed and written by an outstanding Lead Teacher trained in Emotional Perception Therapy.
Learning Mat  Improving Writing Whole School Literacy

Learning Mat Improving Writing Whole School Literacy

Once they’ve done the first draft, it’s the (dreaded?) editing to second draft stage. Take the pain away with this resource. Stop your learners from reducing the skill of editing to mere proof-reading by using this writing editing prompt sheet. It works as a learning mat in its entirity or you can cut and paste sections to focus on one editing detail e.g The Cut or The Add. Wide range of prompts given in each section so plenty of choice for low threshold, high ceiling differentiation. Suitable for the older primary literacy classroom or for use at KS3 or KS4 in English.
Whole Sch. Literacy Building Reading Stamina

Whole Sch. Literacy Building Reading Stamina

Suitable for Key Stage 3 and designed for use during Tutor Time, but would be equally suited to small group reading intervention or being used in a specialised Drop Everything and Read class, this resource helps students focus on what it is like to use and build reading stamina. Some students will breeze this because they can read for hours and some may experience what it is like for the first time to concentrate on nothing but their reading for twenty minutes. Students do a shared read (they all take some responsibility for reading a sectio to their fellow readers) and because the turn taking can be randomised, they need to pay attention throughout. Uses a short story that is paid out sentence by sentence. You can build in your school rewards for those students who watch and listen throughout, who respond to their turn promptly and don’t fidget about or try to distract themselves.
Reflective Learning Tool Versatile and Unique

Reflective Learning Tool Versatile and Unique

The resource preview is presented as a series of samples of permutations of how this self-reflective tool can be used. Full resource on purchase has the mastersheet within it. The ‘Head, Heart …’ tool has been uniquely developed by me as part of my educational practice over the last ten years as a creative consultant and outstanding classroom educator and training deliverer. A generic tool to use during or after any learning sequence for junior students right through the secondary years and any CPD that you deliver or mentoring that you do. It aims to help you and your students understand what they are learning, how they are feeling about their learning, what they would like to change about the learning and what they think will help them in their next or future learning experiences. Based on the whole learner experience, not just who they are in their heads today, the tool helps the teacher get a deeper understanding of who their learners are, how they are responding to learning and the teaching and how they are shaping their learning futures. Enables teachers or trainers to open discussions on emotional well-being, cognition and learning to learn as well as build resilience and manage expectations. Simple for students to engage with and quick to administer either as mini-plenaries or as end of lesson or end of learning sequence plenaries. Potential for building vocabulary to name and separate thinking from feelings and emotions and learn to assert and voice their experience to build increasingly positive experiences in the future. Ways to use the ‘Head, Heart …’ Self-Reflective Tool: • As a basis for ‘voxpops’ • Self-reflective tool • Quick tests of the ‘temperature’ of your teaching for your self-refection • Student voice • Building future learning/career aspirations • Advocacy for the skills used in English and English Literature • Plenaries and mini plenaries • Imagining the experiences of others (empathy work and understanding characters Who and what the tool is suited to: • Suits teachers and learners at KS2, KS3, KS4 and KS5 • Suits evaluation of CPD delivery • Suits anyone in a mentoring role
Homework Log Template: Track Homework Easily and Fuss Free

Homework Log Template: Track Homework Easily and Fuss Free

Serves as a simple but effective communication tool between you, your students and their parents. A table tracks a half term's worth of homework (designed for two set homeworks a week). Helps parents, students and the class teacher track the completion of homework - one of the things parents love to track! Parents have the opportunity to sign to say they've seen the homework completed and the class teacher can sign or use one of three simple codes to let parents know whether students did their homework fully, partially, late or not at all (oops!). For secondary teachers - couple with the KS3 homework record which is available as a free download in The Emporium of Excellence too.